Company Information

Company Name Evergreen Products Group Limited
Stock Code 1962.HK
Registered Office PO Box 472, 2nd Floor
Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street
George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1106
Cayman Islands
Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong 11/F., Chiap Luen Industrial Building, No.30-32 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. , Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Share Registrar Tricor Investor Services Limited
Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office International Corporation Services Ltd.
Company Secretary Mr.Siu Ching Hung, ACG HKACG
Board of Directors Executive Director
Mr. Chang Yoe Chong Felix (Chairman, Chief Executive Officer )
Mr. Chan Kwok Keung
Ms. Jia Ziying
Mr. Li Yanbo
Non-executive Director
Mr. Chan Lau Yui Kevin
Independent non-executive Director
Mr. Sin Hendrick M.H.
Mr. Szeto Yuk Ting
Ir. Cheung Siu Wa
Chief Financial Officer Mr. To Hin Pak, FCCA, ACG and HKACG
Authorised Representatives Mr. Siu Ching Hung, ACG HKACG
Mr. Chan Kwok Keung
Auditor and Reporting Accountants Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Certified Public Accountants)
Legal Advisor in Hong Kong Woo Kwan Lee & Lo